Is an intentional course of action followed by a government institution of official for resolving an issue of public concern.
Public policy typically includes agenda setting, policy formulation, decision-making, policy implementation and monitoring and evaluation.
The instrument of public policy examples are preparation of laws/regulation by government agencies, development of indirect measures by government agencies without binding force but associated benefits, if and when applied (eg tax). In addition, use of public procurement process to promote desired bahaviour/outcomes and contribution to and support of voluntary measures (self regulation`by an industry through codes of conduct, voluntary standards without legal enforcement).
Is about achieving government’s objectives through the use of regulation, laws and other the use of regulations, laws and other instruments to deliver better economic and social outcomes and thus enhance the life of citizens and business. The objective of regulatory policy is to ensure that regulations are in the public interest. It addresses the permanent need to ensure that regulations and regulatory frameworks are justified, of good quality and “fit for purpose”
(Source: OECD (2015), OECD regulatory policy outlook 2015. Paris)
The Actors in the Public Policy Process
1. Executive branch of Government
2. Legislative Body (Parliament)
3. Regulatory Authority
4. Business and Civil Society